Hypercapnia Disease.
》 What is Hypercapnia Disease ?
- Hypercapnia disease is a buildup of too much carbondioxide(CO2) in your bloodstream.It is a syndrome of illness rather than a single disease etiology.
- It affects people who have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
If you have COPD, you can't breathe as easy as other peoples do.
》What does hypercapnia cause?
- Hypercapnia is excess carbondioxide (CO2) build up in your body. The condition also described as hypercapnea, hypercarbia or carbondioxide retention, can cause effects such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, as well as serious conplications, such as seizures or loss of consciousness.
》How do you get Hypercapnia?
- Hypercapnia is generally caused by hypoventillation, lung disease, diminished consciousness. It may also be caused by exposure to enviornments containing abnormally high concentrations of carbondioxide such as from volcanic or geothermal activity, or by rebreathing exhaled .
(Image : physio-pedia.com)
》 What happens if CO2 levels increase in your body ?
- As it combines with water, it forms carbonic acid, making the blood acidic.so CO2in the bloodstream lowers th blood pH.When CO2 levels become excessive, a condition known as Acidosis occurs.
When high levels of carbondioxide dignified, it may result in Respiratory failure.
》Symptoms :
- Confusion, coma, Depression or paranoia, hyperventillation or excessive breathing, irregular heartbeat or arrythmia,loss of consciousness, muscle twitching, panic attacks, dizziness.
》 Diagnosis :
- It checks the blood levels of carbondioxide and oxygen.
- In this test person have to blow into a tube to assess how much air can move out of thier lungs and how fast person can do this.
▪X-ray or CT scan test.
- This test can check the presence of lung damage and lung conditions.
》 Treatments :
Hypercapnia treatments depends on severeity of condition and underlying cause.
Treatment options include :
1. Ventillation :
- Two types of ventillation ,
• Non-Invasive Ventillation.
- Breathing is assisted by a flow of air that comes through a mouthpiece or nasal mask.
• Mechanical Ventillation.
- In this a tube is inserted to a person through their mouth into their airway. This process is called "Intubation".
2. Medication.
- Few medication can help breathing like :
• Antibiotics to treat pneumonia or other respiratory system.
• Bronchodilators to open the Airways.
• corticosteroids to reduce the inflamnation in the airway.
3. Oxygen Theraphy.
- People who use Oxygen theraphy, regularly use a device to deliver oxygen to the lungs. It helps to maintain the balance level of carbondioxide in the blood.
4. Life style Changes.
- A doctor usually give advice to change the regular diet and physical activity .
5. Surgery.
- Surgery may be require if the lungs or airways damaged.
- lung volume reduction surgery to remove damaged tissue (or) Lung Transplant may be possible in which damaged lungs is replaced by a healthy lungs from a donor.
》Prevention :
If you having respiratory condition causing hypercapnia can be prevented by taking treatment.
Changing Lifestyle like quit smoking , lose weight, regularly exercising can lower your risk of Hypercapnia Disease.
☆ To Consult a doctor if breathing difficulties noticed or other symptoms are noticed.
》Data Sources Collected :
Google, physio-pedia.com, healthline.com, medicalnewstoday.com
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